Former minister Greg Combet is set to front the inquiry into Labor's home insulation program. Source: AAP
THE father of a man killed under Labor's disastrous home insulation program says former prime minister Kevin Rudd's behaviour was disgraceful when he went to Canberra seeking answers over his son's death.
Kevin Fuller said he was in a meeting with then climate change minister Greg Combet discussing how his son, Matthew, was killed when Mr Rudd burst into the room.
Mr Fuller has told a royal commission that while Mr Combet was "very human", Mr Rudd "disgraced himself" in the meeting.
"It was the first time we met the prime minister," he said.
"Mr Combet was very professional and very human ... we left him and went to see (then opposition leader) Tony Abbott."
Mr Fuller applauded Mr Abbott for keeping his word and getting the royal commission off the ground.
In July last year, after a coroner found the rushed rollout of the scheme was a significant factor in three of the four installer deaths, Matthew's mother Christine Fuller went on national television to say she wanted Mr Rudd to "disappear".
Her comments came after Mr Rudd made a public apology to the dead men's families while he was overseas, in Jakarta.
The Fuller family went on to demand a face-to-face apology from the then prime minister, which ultimately occurred.
On Friday, Mr Fuller told the commission that losing their son had almost ripped them apart, while bringing them together at the same time.
"This has consumed my life," Mr Fuller told the inquiry.
"Getting to here today has eaten me up."
Mr Fuller revealed their disappointment at a senate inquiry that went nowhere and how they had to fight for a coronial inquest into their only son's death.
"It really shouldn't be that hard for some individual to get justice," he said, breaking down.
Mr Fuller described a long list of let-downs and disappointments in the regulatory system and at the hands of public officials he had encountered in his battle for justice.
"As just a father or just an Australian I expected the system would get off its arse, go and sort, go and find out, go and change things and make stuff happen," he said.
"Nobody did, nobody."
The death of the second installer, Rueben Barnes, 16, shattered the Fullers.
"What that did to us was kill us because we'd talked to them all between (the deaths of) Matt and Rueben and said 'do something, it's got to stop'," Mr Fuller said.
"They didn't do anything."
Meanwhile, the sister of Mr Barnes has fought back tears while describing the devastating effect his death had on her family.
"Being that we were such a close-knit family and all lived at home, it had such a devastating effect on our whole family," she said.
In her statement to the commission, Sunny Barnes said the company Rueben worked for, Arrow, was responsible at one level because "they chose to run their business badly in order to make a quick buck."
"However the option to run it this way was there thanks to the commonwealth government," she said.